Nursery software

Online nursery software.

What is online nursery software and what is the cloud? Up until recently all software ran locally. That means it was on a computer on your desk or in a big computer somewhere in your office. These were usually called servers and were really complicated to keep going.

In fact, quite often there were whole departments just dedicated to keeping the server and associated computers working.

The new way of doing things is really quite different. This all changed with the advent of the Internet and now lots of companies and individuals use web based online services. This means the nursery software that does the management of your nursery is not on your computer but “in the cloud”, or if you like at a secure guarded data centre somewhere in the UK.

The great thing about this is you do not have to install any nursery management software on your computer, tablet or laptop. You just need a connection to the Internet at your nursery and usually this is via a wireless link just like you’ve probably got at home.

When you search using Google on your computer, the software that does a search is somewhere in the cloud (actually in one of Google’s data centres located around the world) and its exactly the same for our nursery software.

We just open a day care nursery account for you, bespoke it to suit your session and business model and you login. It is as simple as that. Our online nursery software runs remotely and you do not have to worry about data security or managing complex software installations.